Lirik Mandarin Ben Wu 吴思贤 - Hao Hao De 好好的 Lyrics 歌词 With English Translation

Ben Wu 吴思贤 - Hao Hao De 好好的 Lyrics 歌词 with Pinyin and English Translation

 Lyrics with Pinyin and English Translation Lirik Mandarin Ben Wu 吴思贤 - Hao Hao De 好好的 Lyrics 歌词 with English Translation

Singer : Ben Wu 吴思贤
Album : Wei Ni Ting Liu 为你停留
Title : Hao Hao De 好好的
English Title : Take Care
Soundtrack of : Just for you [三立華劇(只為你停留)插曲]

我還是想念著 想念從前快樂
Wǒ háishì xiǎngniàn zhe xiǎng niàn cóngqián kuàilè
I still missing, missing the happy past
而快樂要如何 我都忘了
ér kuàilè yào rúhé wǒ dū wàngle
And I have forgotten how to be happy

wǒ xún biàn guòqù
I searched for it
nǐ zǒuguò de lù
The way you walked
nǐ tīngguò de gē
The song you've heard
yǒu nǐ de zújì dōu tíngliú piànkè
There are your footsteps for a moment

我們都尋找著 尋找新的生活
wǒmen dōu xúnzhǎozhe xúnzhǎo xīn de shēnghuó
We are looking for a new life
而生活怎麼過 也還不懂
ér shēnghuó zěnmeguò yě hái bù dǒng
When we still don't even understand what/how is life

wǒ kāishǐ zhuìluò
I started to fall
céng yōng nǐ de wěn
Kissed you
céng qiān nǐ de shǒu
Held your hand
shíjiān de liú xūdù wǒ
Time flow wasted me

nǐ shuō rén yào wǎng qián zǒu
You said that people need to move on
bié jūnì tíngliú
Don't stay stuck
說服我 重新來過
shuōfú wǒ chóngxīn láiguò
Persuade me to back one more time
每個離別是為 下個重逢
měi gè líbié shì wèi xià gè chóngféng
Every separation make [us] meet again next time

我想對你說 要好好的
wǒ xiǎng duì nǐ shuō yào hǎohǎo de
I want to say to you, take care of yourself
把手放開 一定要快樂
bǎshǒu fàng kāi yīdìng yào kuàilè
Open your hands, be sure to be happy
若有難過 若有風波
ruò yǒu nánguò ruò yǒu fēngbō
If you are sad, if there's a storm
你要知道 一定會渡過
nǐ yào zhīdào yīdìng huì dùguò
You have to know that you'll get through

我想對你說 會更好的
wǒ xiǎng duì nǐ shuō huì gèng hǎo de
I want to say to you, hope you be better
再往前走 一定會快樂
zài wǎng qián zǒu yīdìng huì kuàilè
And then move on, you must be happy
如果迷惑 如果寂寞
rúguǒ míhuò rúguǒ jìmò
If you are confused, if you are lonely
你要知道 我還是愛你的
nǐ yào zhīdào wǒ háishì ài nǐ de
You have to know that I'm still your loved one

我們都尋找著 尋找新的生活
wǒmen dōu xúnzhǎozhe xúnzhǎo xīn de shēnghuó
We are looking for a new life
而生活怎麼過 也還不懂
ér shēnghuó zěnmeguò yě hái bù dǒng
When we still don't even understand how is life

wǒ kāishǐ zhuìluò
I started to fall
céng yōng nǐ de wěn
Kissed you
céng qiān nǐ de shǒu
Held your hand
shíjiān de liú xūdù wǒ
Time flow wasted me

nǐ shuō rén yào wǎng qián zǒu
You said that people need to move on
bié jūnì tíngliú
Don't stay stuck
說服我 重新來過
shuōfú wǒ chóngxīn láiguò
Persuade me to back one more time
每個離別是為 下個重逢
měi gè líbié shì wèi xià gè chóngféng
Every separation make [us] meet again next time

我想對你說 要好好的
wǒ xiǎng duì nǐ shuō yào hǎohǎo de
I want to say to you, take care of yourself
把手放開 一定要快樂
bǎshǒu fàng kāi yīdìng yào kuàilè
Keep your hands open, be sure to be happy
若有難過 若有風波
ruò yǒu nánguò ruò yǒu fēngbō
If you are sad, if there's a storm
你要知道 一定會渡過
nǐ yào zhīdào yīdìng huì dùguò
You have to know that you'll get through

我想對你說 會更好的
wǒ xiǎng duì nǐ shuō huì gèng hǎo de
I want to say to you, hope you be better
再往前走 一定會快樂
zài wǎng qián zǒu yīdìng huì kuàilè
And then move on, you must be happy
如果迷惑 如果寂寞
rúguǒ míhuò rúguǒ jìmò
If you are confused, if you are lonely
你要知道 我還是愛你的
nǐ yào zhīdào wǒ háishì ài nǐ de
You have to know that I'm still your loved one

我想對你說 要好好的
wǒ xiǎng duì nǐ shuō yào hǎohǎo de
I want to say to you, take care of yourself
把手放開 一定要快樂
bǎshǒu fàng kāi yīdìng yào kuàilè
Keep your hands open, be sure to be happy
若有難過 若有風波
ruò yǒu nánguò ruò yǒu fēngbō
If you are sad, if there's a storm
你要知道 一定會渡過
nǐ yào zhīdào yīdìng huì dùguò
You have to know that you'll get through

我想對你說 會更好的
wǒ xiǎng duì nǐ shuō huì gèng hǎo de
I want to say to you, hope you be better
再往前走 一定會快樂
zài wǎng qián zǒu yīdìng huì kuàilè
And then move on, you must be happy
如果迷惑 如果寂寞
rúguǒ míhuò rúguǒ jìmò
If you are confused, if you are lonely
你要知道 我還是愛你的
nǐ yào zhīdào wǒ háishì ài nǐ de
You have to know that I'm still your loved one

你要知道 我還是愛你的
nǐ yào zhīdào wǒ háishì ài nǐ de
You have to know that I'm still your loved one